It's funny how these things come around. Today I was going to share a story…

It's funny how these things come around. Today I was going to share a story about lower back pain – around the sacro-iliac joint in particular. If you've had problems with this you'll know exactly what I'm talking about! . When I was pregnant I ended both pregnancies strapped together by a corset type thing which helped to hold my pelvis in place. It wasn't particularly comfortable but was a whole lot less painful than experiencing the movement in my "fixed" joints around my sacro-iliac crests (lower back). . Back then I was a regular at the physiotherapist's office as it would get stuck intermittently and I'd need the physio to twist my leg around and push my back to put it back in alignment. That's when I learned the value of having a strong core. . I invested in an awesome book on building up core strength bought myself a giant core exercise ball and got to work. Needless to say my back pain eased and my core strength improved. . But doing the same old exercises every day got sooooooo boring. That's when I came across the workouts you see me sweating through on social media. I needed something that would keep me strong AND keep me interested. . They work! My core has never been stronger and lower back pain is a memory consigned to the distant past. . And today it was put to the test as I helped to lift a skidded car off a stone edge! I managed to chivvy 2 other fellas (who totally thought we wouldn't be able to do it!) to help me and we physically lifted a lady's car off a stone wall (with a big drop on the side where she'd left the road) while another man towed the car backwards. It wouldn't shift with towing alone and would have caused a whole lot more damage. . I knew I could do it because my back is super strong. I knew we'd be able to help her. I knew that with a couple of other fellas our combined strength would work. Within 2 minutes she was off again driving safely and hopefully avoiding the drop off the edge of the wall on future visits out to our part of the countryside! . continued in comments ….



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