I said YES to my life, when i live moments like this one : “September 2014/April…

I said YES to my life, when i live moments like this one : “September 2014/April 2015, I had been traveling 6 month, from Burning Man in California to Envision in Costa-rica, crossing Mexico, El salvador, Guatemala by myself. “This been after a relationship rupture, who make me feel that i have to work on myself before everything. Learning with the errors. I see how the mistake can be a strong lesson. During this trip i been following my path, following my intuition, my hearth, trying to let it go my fear, my complex, to disipline myself with the yoga, to love my body, to share more love with people that i just meet during this trip. The differents Festival; where i went was a great opportunity to share my practice of the body-paint. To experimente news ideas, to collaborate with differents artists on the road also. During this trip i been looking for differents inspiration, to keep my mental aware, to stay positif, to keep my alignement. Your work it’s part of my inspiration.” “WIN the Live Your YES Contest and attend the Magnetic Goddess Immersion, will be for me a continuity of this journey about my empowerement. Connect with my body, is still a relationship where i try to be in peace. I also try to make ma passion a work – which is not currently the case – where i can transform abundance and magnetisme around my passion. I feel I could get ideas during your immersion most surrounded by goddesses.” This photo shows different stages of my trip, ° Burning Man, ° with my lovely sister who came to visit me at Mexico, ° with you has Envison Festival after your workshop, ° with my new disipline – Yoga – who help me a lot to keep my alignment and strengthen my body. I keep myself on this transformation, with the strong desire to share this way with other women, share and learn from other goddesses. LIVING MY YES Sofiah Thom #sofiahthom #liveyouryescontest #Gracias #Thanks you



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