Is Tinder really the best app for finding friends and potential matches? Pokem…

Is Tinder really the best app for finding friends and potential matches? Pokemon and Tinder are the leading mobile apss almost everyone is addicted Tinder is the latest application where it is touted that no matter how unsociable you are you are bound to find your perfect match. The mobile app uses an individuals Facebook account to find new connections based on his/her friends mutual friends interests and location. Developers have their statistics to back them up with more than a billion swipes per day millions of matches made every 24 hours people liking and super liking themselves. With such statistics It shouldnt be difficult to find an exact match abi? Thats what I thought too but because a guy and I have 300 Mutual friends on Facebook doesnt mean we will necessarily like each other but the possibilities are limitless there are so many potential matches to choose from. After reading Gloria Edozien's review about Tinder on Bella Naija I was armed with so much enthusiasm am all for making new friends so in no time I downloaded Tinder Installed it but was inconsistent for weeks All I did was look at myriad of pictures Never knew there were so much fine guys and handsome ladies as seen from their photos. I check in once a week just to stay connected. Did you know ? Tinder has been in existence since 2012 am just getting to know about it in 2016 we Nigerians (Or is it me) can be slow to try new things sha. The app is wonderful; you can look at your fill of pictures to your hearts content if you are into that kind of thing. Or you can make better use of it and make new friends who knows your next business partner investor husband wife boyfriend girlfriend might just be 1 mile away from you and you wont know it except you have Tinder to help you. To get started on Tinder just download the app from play store install sign in with your Facebook account and you are in the game.Let your personality show forth. Professional casual or fun but put up quality photos of you only. There are icons representing different options. Like Close Superlike buttons . Swipe left to like a new match or swipe down to skip when your match also likes you you can start exchanging messages. Next dig deeper if you will truly like the kind of person Tinder does most of its matches based on statistics gathered from facebook so it is logical to ask for a persons facebook profile by looking through his/her posts pictures mutual friends interests you can gather a wealth of information about such person. If he/she meets your expectations. Then proceed. Now that you have liked or superliked each other Send a message like Hello am Bayosaw your profile on TinderAnd I like what I see I believe it will be nice to get to know each other and likely meet if possible When you meet someone on Tinder be open minded though Tinder is a dating app but it can also be a luck charm for starting long lasting strong friendships with individuals of same or opposite sex. Your BFF may just be a swipe away. Word of caution: Here are safety tips to help you make the most out of Tinder Be careful in giving away too much personal information trust your instincts do so only if you are comfortable with the person. Ifyou agree to go on a date let a friend or neighbour be aware of your movement write down the detailsname and number of the person you are going with so they know who to trace God Forbid to prevent any bad occurrence. I have of a lady who got killed by a male friend she met on Tinder another lady got stranded in Turkey during the coup crisis when she travelled to see her friend from Tinder. I guess that's why Tinder chooses matches close to your location so you can be close to home. I will advise you to meet your date in a neutral public place first like shopping malls fast food joints ice cream shops before visiting each other at homes and have extra cash for buying food or paying cab fare even when the guy is paying but if the date doesn't go as planned at least you have a backup plan. Dont be clingy if the date doesnt work out as you expected it dont become posseive jealous or overlly attached to one person there are other millions of matches to choose from. You can move your chats to Whatsapp or bbm medium for faster response and easier chat but if the person is not to your taste. Let it end on Tinder. No need giving out phone numbers. Always be polite in your conversations. Tinder is not for solving world's prblems or canvassing votes or market place. Stick to the discussion and not try to offend another by satrtng an argument or selling goods. Move the discussinon to another platform. In my Next post I will be writing on 10 kinds of men and women to avoid on Tinder. I mean when you see these people just swipe them off. What has your experience been on Tinder? One guy said most ladies on Tinder are always asking or money Is this always true? bellanaija friends gloria edozien lifestyle love pokemon relationship TINDER tiner match



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