Meet Frank, ‪#‎ReggieDog‬ of the week! Frank is a friendly six-year-old ye…

Meet Frank, ‪#‎ReggieDog‬ of the week! Frank is a friendly six-year-old yellow lab who just loves making new friends. This active guy enjoys a good workout, including his agility classes, chasing balls around the yard, splashing in his pool (and getting sprayed with the hose, of course). According to his family, he’s also the best walking buddy in town! Frank wishes he had thumbs so he could open his monthly ‪#‎ReggieBox‬ by himself. How many "Likes" can we get for this adorable pup?! ‪#‎DogoftheWeek‬ ‪#‎Dogs‬ ‪#‎PicoftheDay‬ ‪#‎DogsofPinterest

Source by myreggiebox


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