CONNECTION is better than PERFECTION. This thought came to me this morning as I…

CONNECTION is better than PERFECTION. This thought came to me this morning as I was doing my weekly legal training show The Legal Lounge (you know you want to check it out join my free Facebook group The Legal Entrepreneur for free access!) As a mom most of the time I do this show right after I put my little guy down for a nap before I have time to get ready. Sometimes I even do the show after a workout when I am a sweaty mess. I think a few months ago this would have stopped me from doing the show altogether. If I didnt look put together with perfect lighting should I even do it? Was I going to look stupid? NO. Somewhere along the way I realized that people dont care if you look perfect. In fact it makes you a LOT more real and relatable when youre not! I think the most fun Ive had doing live trainings was while my son was crawling around in the background or while I was out on a walk so I could keep him in one place while I did my training. Ive built my business while raising my son and a LOT of that time includes having him with me! We dont have a nanny or sitter (working on it haha) so from 9-5 this little man is my responsibility. And I wouldnt have it any other way. My best online friends are other moms who know this is real life. And ironically enough Ive been able to connect with them because I wasnt perfect! I was real. I share what goes on in my life even when that means yall get my non-showered no makeup sweatpants-wearing self doing a legal training. Because guess what? My amazing clients buy from me and hire me to help them with legal. Which I can do without makeup in sweats (can I get an AMEN!?) How have you shown up online in imperfect ways and how has that helped YOU create connections??

Source by christywesterf


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