Signs a Girl Is Just Being Polite | Click below to find out more about Kamalifes…

Signs a Girl Is Just Being Polite | Click below to find out more about Kamalifestyles Signs a Girl Is Just Being Polite Hi guys this is Gabriella Ryan from Guys Today I am going to talk about Signs a Girl Is Just Being Polite One of the challenges of being a woman is constantly being misinterpreted by guys when you are nice. Most of the guys dont know when we are just being polite to them and when we are flirting. The mix up can make you come too strong for a girl and scare her off or appear like a creep. You might also ignore a girl who really likes you thinking that she is simply being nice. I will teach you some of the signs a girl is just being polite so you dont get caught in an awkward situation: She breaks the touch barrier but not too touchy We are naturally touchy when we are around people that we are comfortable with. She might be comfortable with you as a friend or because you seem like a nice guy. Sometimes we also touch you on the safe zones such as the hands to get your attention. When a girl is just being polite the touch will be light and short. When a girl is flirting with you using touch you can tell by other signs such as eye contact and smile to make you feel warm. You will also see how she responds to your touch. If she slights pull back from your touch then know her touch was a sign of being polite and nothing more. She smiles at you but maintains her distance Most guys think that when a woman is smiling at them they are interested in them. A smile alone should never be used as a signal that a girl is into you. We always wear a smile because it brings out the best in us. Also most women are girly and they find themselves involuntarily smiling to lighten up the mood and make themselves feel comfortable with the person they are interacting with. When we are interacting with a guy we can smile as a sign of being polite and not pass out as rude. Gabriella Ryan is Kamalifestyles youtube presenter and she regularly publishes videos on different dating topics on KamaTV. She also takes part in infield training’s by helping our dating coaches. She brings the female perspective and gives honest feedback to the clients in relation to what women think in certain situations. Our clients say her honest feedback into the female mind is very good and shockingly interesting. Leave a Comment letting us know what you think. If you enjoyed make sure you like share and subscribe! Hope you enjoy! To stay up to date on dating advice subscribe to the KamaTV channel Dating advice and dating training at Find us on facebook Follow us on twitter… Follow us on instagram

Source by TheAlphaU


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