Daily Dialogue — September 6, 2016 best-fotofilm.blo… Felix: Oscar, you’r…

Daily Dialogue — September 6, 2016 best-fotofilm.blo… Felix: Oscar, you’re asking to hear something I don’t want to say, but if I do say it, I think you ought to hear it. Oscar: You got anything on your chest besides your chin, you better get it off. Felix: All right! Then you asked for it! You’re a wonderful guy, Oscar. You’ve done everything for me. If it weren’t for you, I don’t know what would have happened. You gave me a place to live and something to live for. I’m never going to forget you for that, Oscar. You’re tops with me. Oscar double takes. Oscar: If I’ve just been told off, I think I may have missed it. Felix: It’s coming. You are also one of the biggest slobs in the world. Oscar: I see. Felix: Totally unreliable, undependable, and irresponsible. Oscar: Keep going. I think you’re hot. Felix: No. That’s it. You’ve been told off. How do you like that? Oscar: Good. Good! Because now… I’m going to tell you off. Oscar faces Felix. Oscar: For six months, I’ve lived alone in this apartment… all alone in eight big rooms. I was dejected, despondent, and disgusted, and then you moved in… my closest and dearest friend. And after three weeks of close personal contact, I’m about to have a nervous breakdown. (starts to cry) Do me a favor, will you, Felix? Move into the kitchen. Live with your pots, pans, ladles, meat thermometers. When you want to come out, just ring a bell, and I’ll run into the bedroom. I’m asking you nicely, Felix, as a friend… Stay out of my way. Oscar stumbles out of the room into the bathroom. Felix: Walk on the paper, will you? I washed the floor in there. Oscar stiffens. Wheels around. Charges after Felix. Felix: Hey, stay away from me, Oscar. Oscar! Oscar, stay away from me! Oscar! — The Odd Couple (1968), screenplay by Neil Simon, based on a play by Neil Simon The Daily Dialogue theme for the week: Argument, suggested by Mark Twain. Trivia: Neil Simon’s brother, Danny, had the original idea: Two guys stuck together as roommates, one’s a slob, one’s a neatnik, but never did anything with it. Neil asked Danny if he could write it, Danny said yes, and the rest as they say is history. Dialogue On Dialogue: This is a great scene with a double reversal and a twist at the end. The first reversal is Felix “telling off” Oscar, but doing so by expressing his appreciation for what Oscar has done for him. It’s funny because Felix’s delivers the lines in anger mode. The second reversal is Oscar’s response, which we expect to be volcanic ire, but instead features his character breaking down into tears. The twist Oscar charging Felix, declaring he’s going to “kill” Felix. Go Into The Story Здесь можно оставить свои комментарии. Выпуск подготовленплагином wordpress для subscribe.ru

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